English to Pashto Dictionary

On the English to Pashto Dictionary page, you can easily search for a word's Pashto translation. Simply type the word in English into the search box below and click the "Search" button to find its meaning displayed below the line. If you don't see the word's Pashto translation, it may not be in our database yet. However, you can always check for the word's meaning on our list of other dictionaries, which are conveniently located on the right side of this page.

Common English to Pashto terms

English Pashto
Hello (salaam)
Goodbye (khdai Paman)
Thank you (manana)
Yes (hu)
No (na)
Please (mehrbani wakrre)
Excuse me (bakhana ghwaram)
You are Welcome (hela kawam)
Help (maresta kawal)
Friend (malgaray)